The International Criminal Court (ICC) of the Hague, the Netherlands has sent an arrest warrant to the Sudanese president Omar al-Bashir, the BBC News Website has reported today.
Mr. al-Bashir is accused by the ICC of multiple charges such as abuse of power, murder, extermination, rape, torture, transferring and stealing the properties of large numbers of Sudanese civilians, and some others. Sundan is one of the poorest countries in Africa.
According to the BBC the warrant will be taken to action in July this year. Mr. al-Bashir has denied all the charges he's been accused of.
To be fair, this is not the first time that we see a crazy African dictator in power exterminating everyone who opposes their regime and abusing the power given by their very own people and sometimes the support of the west.I shall remember the people who read this blog that while we're too busy reading the latest article about Jade Goody's illness, there are thousands of men and women that are dying of hunger, thousands of women being raped and many thousands of children being taken by force to contribute to the Sudanese terror army, the same army that attacks many aids helper.
The BBC News Website reported today: "The UN estimates about 300,000 people have died and millions been displaced in six years of conflict in Darfur." And to the ICC, I congratulate you all for the work you're all doing to imprison this terror dictator.
The image used for this article was taken from
BBC News article used to write this story:
BBC News related article:
Omar al-bashir's profile (Wikipedia):
Sudan's profile (Wikipedia):
This one of your best posts yet! well done!
ReplyDeleteIsn't it a coincidence how your special friends all post at the same time, and all make the same spelling mistakes as you?
ReplyDeleteNow if you want to communicate, you can email me, but I suggest we both stop messing up each others' blogs. You need all the marks you can get to scrape a pass, I wouldn't want to be the reason you failed.
well I do like to think that I'm special given that I'm his flatmate and also I'm dyslexic so shove it. Penguin you say that you and mike should stop messing up each others blogs but haven't you written an entire post about mike? also have you figured out what the microscopes are for yet?
ReplyDeleteI wrote an entire post about Mike because our tutor thought is was a funny subject that I should write about, because he is ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteOh Dom! Now you don't wanna mess each other's blog? The person who wrote a whole inaccurate article about me in your blog is now asking me to stop messing up his blog? And how is it that you don't wanna be the reason why I fail? What are you gonna do to make me fail Dom? Are you gonna talk to our tutor? You better talk to her cause when I do I'll see if she really gave you permission to write all the nonsense you wrote about me.
ReplyDeleteLet me just tell you something, the people who wrote on your blog are my flatmates, people who care about me and who honestly think that reading both your comments and articles is a waste of time. Why did you delete their comments Dom? Is it that you can't take criticism from people who prove what type of an idiot you are? Is it because you're scared you little depressing friends might realise what a chicken you are? Or is it because you just don't like when people disagree with what you write: I'll tell you the answer: ALL OF THEM!
The person who told me that I will never be able to be a journalist because I can't take criticism, that very same person deleted the comments that my flatmates wrote on his blog simply because he (Dom) didn't like them, because they simply expressed how ridiculous he looks when he denies the existence of people. I'll tell you what: I know who/what I am and I know what/who I will be in a few years and I know for a fact that even if you try to poison every single friend I can possibly have at uni you will not have much success. And even (in the remote case that you did) that will not stop me from achieving my golds. And you wanna know why? Because the One Who's in me, will always give me strength.
I can't believe you still don't realise that my followers are real! I can't believe that someone who's made it to uni is stupid enough to say - with no prove in hand - that my followers aren't real! Have you got any prove of that Dom? Cause I do, and I am willing to show them to you whenever you want, in front of our tutor if you want to.
You know what, I've decided to block you from my blog - like you did to my flat mate Wassa - because really "MATE" I don't like wasting my time reading rubbish written by some more stupid impossible-to-recycle rubbish such as you.
And I'll tell you something else: the real reason why you've been talking about me behind my back and the real reason why you have to write a whole article in your blog about me, and why you have to make stuff up such as "oh his followers aren't real" is because you can't take when someone who is doing a better job than you, because it is a fact that my blog is better than yours and it does have more followers than yours. God! You're so pathetic that you even had to write an article in your blog to spread the word that your blog even exist! Does it hurt you when I say that my blog is better than yours? I believe it does.
Do you want to know how I got my followers? I told them (my friends) that I had a blog, they found it interesting and then they because followers.
Oh and by the way, thank you for all the publicity you've given me. I loved the facebook link you've made in you're blog.