According to the Independent, Mr. Cameron also declared that the BBC is one of the most important British institutions and that it has been for years.
Mr. Cameron has accused many Labour leaders for the plans made to increase the BBC-TV license fee from £139.50 to £142.50.
This is, without a doubt, a very interesting and rare move for a Tory leader to make in times of economic crisis. First of all, the BBC is the best broadcasting network in the world and it needs the license fee to survive.
Taking into consideration that the BBC does not broadcast commercial ads and that the only income it has at the moment is the license fee, it needs the money collected by the license fee payers to keep broadcasting those interesting high-quality documentaries and programmes.
However strange it might sound, in times of economic crisis and economic recession the best thing to do in order to help the country's economy is to spend money. Money that at same time must stay in Britain.
Reducing or freezing the license fee, even for a year, does not help the economy at all. On the contrary, it will make things harder for the BBC and most of the very-well-made, high-quality programmes that the BBC makes, will decline in quality.
It is also fair to mention that the the license fee does not only go to the BBC-TV programmes, but it supports all the BBC-radios across the country, the fantastic BBC website, and everything that has to do with the BBC in the UK.
The picture used for this article used taken from http://www.guardian.co.uk/
Independent article used to write this story:
David Cameron's profile (Wikipedia):
The BBC's profile (Wikipedia):
The BBC website:
BBC-TV Licence fee:
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