Bin Laden reveals that he considers the muslim countries that are not taking actions against Israel as "hypocrites" and calls upon the muslims of the world to take action against Israel for what they have done to Gaza.
In the last two months Bin Laden has released 2 voice recorded documents, and before this, the last video recorded by him was released more than two years ago. To me, there is something that isn't right.
First of all, Israel was just trying to finish with Hamas - a terrorist group that uses children was human shelter, and oppresses its own people. Unfortunately, because of the 'humanitarian's actions' Israel had to stop their operations and now Hamas can easily get ready to stricken again.
Bin Landen is well-known for releasing videos where he - around gun machines and other heavy arsenal - shows his face and reads his speech. After a while of not doing this, he suddenly releases two voice recorded documents one after the other in two months. What is stopping me from thinking that this terrorist is dead and that someone is trying to take his place secretly?
Osama Bin Laden is just the biggest coward the world has ever seen. If he was really a hero - as some people do consider him - why doesn't he show his face, instead of hiding behind other people's suicide actions?
Bin Landen is well-known for releasing videos where he - around gun machines and other heavy arsenal - shows his face and reads his speech. After a while of not doing this, he suddenly releases two voice recorded documents one after the other in two months. What is stopping me from thinking that this terrorist is dead and that someone is trying to take his place secretly?
Osama Bin Laden is just the biggest coward the world has ever seen. If he was really a hero - as some people do consider him - why doesn't he show his face, instead of hiding behind other people's suicide actions?
The world criticizes the American government for having troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, but at the same time they seem to forget that there is a war out there against terrorists who hate everything and everyone, people who think the world would be better of without the western world.
The picture used for this article was taken from http://www.telegraph.co.uk/
Daily Telegraph article used to write this story:
Osama Bin Laden's profile (Wikipedia):
I'm missing something - where's the depth in this article?
ReplyDeleteBin Laden is broadly right in calling Moslem
countries' governments hypocrites, because they regularly condemn Israeli atrocities in Gaza and the West Bank without actually doing anything about it. If they cared that much, they'd take some form of action that doesn't involve being vetoed by the US.
Egypt, for example, won't allow Palestinians across the border because they fear a 'demographic problem' and (if I'm thinking of the right country) also concerns that Palestine's Moslem Brotherhood would join up with the local group and become a threat to the government. After all, Egypt's government is pretty unpleasant.
Secondly, Israel wasn't just trying to 'finish' Hamas. The strategy had already been tried in Lebanon and proven a failure, but elections were coming up and the person who looks toughest (e.i., can kill as many Palestinians as possible in under a minute) gets votes for being a 'hard man'.
Also, the human shields thing is balls. While the Palestinian Authority has been reported of accusing Hamas of unlawful killings (of opponents, critics and suspected collaborators), it's actually the IDF that uses Palestinians as human shields, despite a 2005 order from the High Court ordering that this tactic be ended.
Searching Amnesty (for 'hamas human shields') I didn't come up with anything about Hamas using human shields, which basically fits with what I've come across before now. However, the IDF does come up every time, which also fits with what I've come across before.
Sauce and more recently and bang up to date.
There's a blatantly obvious reason for bin Laden not appearing and it's so obvious I'm having to say it. It's quite simple: the US government will kill him if he appears. Calling it 'cowardice' is to completely fail to grasp (or just plain disregard) the basics of asymmetrical warfare. This is someone going up against the world's military hyperpower. Opting for a stand-up fight would prove stupid and short-lived and whatever else he is, bin Laden is very much not stupid.
Hey Mark, thanks for the comment. I appreciate the effort.
ReplyDeleteI never called Bin Laden stupid. The guy has obviously fooled the world's most powerful country and I believe you have to be very clever to do that. In fact he planned the whole 9/11 attack 7 years in advance.
However, I do believe and I will not change my mind when I call Bin Laden a coward. Anyone who tells people to attach a bomb to himself/herself to blow some other people up in the name of Allah, just because he does not share the same thoughts as the US and the whole western world do, is a coward. If he really is not a coward, why doesn't he attach a power bomb to himself and blow people up as he has thought many people. Why doesn't he do it himself?
Plus, he had not sent a message for more than 2 years, and then suddenly he breaks his own protocol and changes the way he broadcasts his messages and does is twice in 2 month. To me, as I have stated in the article; he is not the one who has sent those messages.
And finally, mate, it has been proved by many aids organizations that Hamas does use children as human shelter. Plus, (and I'm not trying to be offensive or anything like that, and everything I'm gonna say next can be proved) one of the many closest friends I had when I studied at the American School of the Hague is now serving his country - Israel - as part of the military. What he does I cannot tell you, but I can assure you he has told me - among many things that I can't discuss with anyone - that Hamas does use children and innocent people as human shelter. And he can prove that.
I can't believe that you're supporting a person that wants to destroy the western world, and therefore, you. Bin Landen is a terrorist that should not be supported by anyone anymore. In fact, he would have never been supported by anyone anyways. His purposes do not lead to anything good, just destruction. And he is so hated that many of the muslims I know do not support him.
When I lived in Italy, I had a muslim friend from Tunisia that told me word by word (I will never forget these words) If I find Bin Landen, I will turn him in and get the money. What he did to the Americans wasn't right. And trust me, this guy didn't has a big sense of respect towards the Americans.
I hope to hearing from you again mate.
First of all i will comment on the article before getting back to the comments already made.
ReplyDeleteBut before that i want to make it clear that neither I am a terrorist neither i support any type of so call "radical groups". so i would not want someone to comment back "accusing" of all sort.
My personal opinion wether you like it or not is that Bin Laden does not exist.full stop.
I this guy did exist and all the bad things people blame him for appears to be truth, then i would also condemn him.
But no matter how bad he could be, you cannot call him a being a "coward" just because he is hiding!!! no matter how wrong he is, he is still a leader of a group of people, and history has shown that leaders do hide when there is no where safe for them. i ask during World War 2, General De Gaulle left France and stayed in safe places England and Algeria (Working with the French resistance and supporters in France's colonial African possessions after the Anglo-U.S. invasion of North Africa in November 1942, de Gaulle moved his headquarters to Algiers in May, 1943.) so does that make him a coward? I doubt that you could go to France and say to the french such thing about De Gaulle.
Ok and now lets assume that Bin Laden exist but he was never behind so many things such as 9/11? americans made up so many so call proofs which were obvious lies!!! e.g the rescouers did not find many bodys in the ruined of the twin towers but somehow they found the passports of the terrorists. similar to that during the bombing of a house in Afghanistan, they found a video in the ruined which showes Bin Ladin explaining how he orgonised the bombing. We are victims of every information that governments give us, we accept them blindly and i believe this is where we are going wrong. You said that people complain about american and british troops being in Iraq, but that we forgot that they are there to fight people that hate us. But as far as i know these people that hate us where not in Iraq before the invasion...the invasion was a result of a fake report which said that Saddam possesses massive destruction weapons (which was proven to be wrong), and also that he and Bin Laden were close to each other when it was also proven that they use to hate each other and that they never even met each other. If Al Quaeda exists then it is also proven that they entered Iraq after the invasion so let me ask you something Mr the writer, why going there in the first place? the only reason i can see is that americans needed a place to fight terrorists and so i think they were the cowards to go in a 3rd party country to do the dirty job.
Now let us talk about Hamas. they use children as shields? you have reports from organisation which i believe are manipulated by the biggest manipulators in the world. (my opinion)
What do u mean by shields? i would call these kids fighters, yes fighters i have seen kids training and fighting against an army that do not make any difference between kids, weak people, women and terrorist.
we may dislike Hamas as much as we want, but it Hamas that the majority of Palestinian people choosed. You say people dont want western world? why do u think is that? Kuwait was invaded and occupied by Iraq for 7 MONTHS. Somehow and i believe it was for their oil, the whole world went to fight. Palestine has been occupied for over 40 years, and all the world can do is to meet each other to find a solution (obviously Palestine dont have oil).
Today the world could issue warrant for the arrest of Omar Al-Bashir. Why?
And why no warrant was ever issued against ex prime minister of Israel Ariel Sharon? Why Sharon were allowed to travel around the world and shake hands with leader of the western world? In September 1949, Sharon was promoted to company commander (of the Golani Brigade's reconnaissance unit) and in 1950 to intelligence officer for Central Command. He then took leave to begin studies in history and Middle Eastern culture at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. A year and a half later, he was asked to return to active service in the rank of major and as the leader of the new Unit 101, Israel's first special forces unit.
Unit 101 undertook a series of military raids against Palestinians and neighboring Arab states that helped bolster Israeli morale and fortify its deterrent image. The unit was known for targeting civilians, notably in the widely condemned Qibya massacre in the fall of 1953, in which 69 Palestinian civilians, some of them children, were killed by Sharon's troops in a reprisal attack on their West Bank village. In the documentary Israel and the Arabs: 50 Year War, Sharon recalls what happened after the raid, which was heavily condemned by many Western nations, including the U.S.:
I was summoned to see Ben-Gurion. It was the first time I met him, and right from the start Ben-Gurion said to me: "Let me first tell you one thing: it doesn't matter what the world says about Israel, it doesn't matter what they say about us anywhere else. The only thing that matters is that we can exist here on the land of our forefathers. And unless we show the Arabs that there is a high price to pay for murdering Jews, we won't survive."
So as you see Sharon was only conmdened but thats about it...
This was only one example, there many others where i can show you why these people hate western world.
To conclude i would say that yes it is wrong to kill innocent, it is wrong to put bombs in public place. But lets be realistics, the GOVERNMENTS of many western countries have a BIG HAND behind it.
First of all, the theme of this article is not whether Osama Bin Laden exists or not, because he does. The guy has got family in America and in the UK and they all have been interviewed. Plus, all the people that he hanged out with as a youngster, they have all been interviewed and they have all declared that Osama Bin Laden was a big radical since early age. All of this concludes that he does exist and if you are ignorant enough to dare all those journalists that have taken the job of investigating about Bin Landen for granted and say that he does not exist, well that's your problem not mine.
ReplyDeleteAs I have said many times before; Osama Bin Laden is a coward because he would never kill anyone with his very own hands. He hinds behind the lives of other, telling people to kill themselves and to kill others for a cause that only leads to destruction.
The different between de Gaulle and Bin Laden is that de Gaulle fought for a cause that was honest and brave, unlike Bin Laden, who all the purposes he fights for is the end of the west and the rise of a muslim society.
How can you, a muslim, support someone who have put bombs in African muslim countries? You know what, you muslims are allowed to come to western countries and go to mosques whenever you want and you're allowed to pray as many times as you want and dress what ever you want, and you still fight for what? To see all the christians become muslims? The western world is not fighting for you to become christian or anything, they're fighting for you to have freedom. If a christian westerner were to go to a Muslim country, she/he would never be allowed to talk about her/his believes in public and she/he would never be allowed to dress as she/he wanted.
And while you call westerners and specially Americans liers because they - according to you - made up stuff about the 9/11 attacks, Bin Landen and his own terrorist organizations killed more than 300 000 innocent people, people who did not have anything to do with what is happening in the Middle East.
Yes the Americans and the Western countries that went to war against Iraq have made many mistakes, but I'd rather support countries that are fighting for democracy and freedom than support countries that oppress women and that dedicate children to use a gun and fight from an early age.
And let me just remind you that many palestinians want to see Israel wiped out of the map, and if they haven't done it yet, is only because they can't. Unlike the Israelis, who can destroy all the muslim countries, but don't do it, because it is their purpose. If they ever attack any palestinian country is because they are defending themselves.
I'm just going to ignore Billy's post - there's too much crazy there to even be worth my time in picking apart.
ReplyDeleteBut I still have time for you.
However, I do believe and I will not change my mind when I call Bin Laden a coward.
Belief is irrelevant. Where do the facts take you?
However, it's more complicated than that. Bin Laden actually took up arms with the Mujahadeen and fought the Russian invaders in defence of Afghanistan - a Mujahadeen funded and trained by the US who used Afghanistan to bleed the USSR.
And finally, mate, it has been proved by many aids organizations that Hamas does use children as human shelter.
OK - so why haven't you already linked to them?
I've already given you three from a world-renowned agency and my search methodology with it. Let's throw in another - even B'tselem, a decently impartial (as far as I can tell) Jewish organisation doesn't agree with you - here's a search I did for 'human shields'. The entire first page of results lists IDF use of human shields. Surely, if it were that prevalent on the other side there'd be Hamas on there too?
Secondly, 'my mate says' means little'. The plural of anecdote is not data. Your mate says that Hamas uses human shields but he isn't alone - it's a standard IDF line and so far it's lacking substantiation, as many of theirs does. Remember, you can't just take a source at face value. By doing so you're doing a disservice to your readers.
It's also hard to take the IDF seriously when IDF solders do stuff like this.
(Here's a fun little excerpt)
Zamir: "I don't understand. Why did he shoot her [an old lady]?"
Aviv: "That's what is so nice, supposedly, about Gaza: You see a person on a road, walking along a path. He doesn't have to be with a weapon, you don't have to identify him with anything and you can just shoot him. With us it was an old woman, on whom I didn't see any weapon. The order was to take the person out, that woman, the moment you see her.
(Emphasis mine)
I can't believe that you're supporting a person that wants to destroy the western world, and therefore, you.
That's because I'm not. And I can't see why you'd say that, beyond a bit of passive-aggressive slander.
Also, I'm sick of this 'oh, they want to destroy our way of life' horseshit. Bush and Blair did more to destroy our way of life - by removing hard-won democratic checks and balances and personal freedoms, killing people for no clear reason and making a shit-ton of money for the already super-rich (thus distorting society to serve the rich minority as opposed to the ordinary majority) than some wanker in a cave.
What he did to the Americans wasn't right. And trust me, this guy didn't has a big sense of respect towards the Americans.
Of course he doesn't - why would you even state something so obvious? More importantly, why aren't you asking 'why' he doesn't?
I'm not asking why he doesn't because I already know, and I'm not gonna tell you simply because you don't deserve to know.
ReplyDeleteLook, like I've said before, Bin Laden is a coward because he train other people for a cause that has no moral value. In fact, he trains people to kill other people - meaning Westerners - because he doesn't agree with them. How would you like someone killing you because you're not a tory or simply because you don't believe in his god?
You mentioned that Bush and Blair destroyed our way of life, how? As long as I can remember Blair only tried to make things better for the UK and Bush had to do what he had to do. Don't you remember the 9/11 attacks? Or are you one of those people who think that American planned those attacks to get into Iraq? Cause if you are let me just tell you, America does not need permission from anyone - not even from the British - to do what they consider necessary for preserve their democracy. Nor do they need a excuse.
Why don't you answer me a question? Why doesn't Bin Laden - if he is so brave like you're saying - take action with his own hands to do something towards America? Why?
And cut the BS and stop accusing the Israeli soldiers for the civilian lives they have taken. For all we know, those so-called civilian might not have been civilians. Plus, you and me know that when it comes to war, everyone makes mistakes. The British have, the American have and now it's the turn of the Israelis.
You are looking at things from the point of view of someone who lives in a Western country and doesn't know anything about the Middle East. I've actually talked to people, in both sides of the border, that are fighting against each other, and the situation the the mentality of the people there is way different from the mentality of the people here.
If the Palestinians did have the change to do worse things that the Israelis to the Israelis, they would.
I'm not asking why he doesn't because I already know, and I'm not gonna tell you simply because you don't deserve to know.
ReplyDeleteOh fuck. I mean, there I was thinking that knowledge came from a need to know and access to some kind of resource - say, like the internet, or books.
And here it turns out that information only drips from your lips like divine revelation.
...Oh wait - I don't believe in divine revelation. And I have a laptop. And a need to know. And shelves of books about all kinds of stuff. Which puts me three up on you, apparently.
Why don't you answer me a question?
Because you can't be bothered answering mine.
You seem to be labouring under the strange idea that you can ignore my questions or give me a bullshit answer, but I somehow have to answer yours.
I'll give you a hint - it doesn't work like that. You've spouted a lot of stuff without backing it up, and you don't seem to understand that I can check on your claims. I can search reports, ask on forums, dig out my bookmarks and I can do all this while reading your guff.
Have you found the evidence proving that Hamas uses human shields yet? I'm getting bored of waiting.
And cut the BS and stop accusing the Israeli soldiers for the civilian lives they have taken.
Aaaand here it is, the proof, the root, the heart of it all. I've already provided you with links; you've done nothing more than repeat claims that, as far as I can tell, only the IDF makes and which you clearly accept in the most uncritical manner.
Some journalist you are.
My evidences do not come from books or internet links. Half the stuff out there is not accurate, but I can assure that my info does come from - like I've said before, my times now - people from both sides the border. People who live, breath and eat what happens in the Middle East everyday. Soldiers and civilian. And unfortunately I can't tell you what type of info they've given me.
ReplyDeleteBut if you're that desperate, I will tell you their names and you can look them up on my FaceBook friends so you see that they exist. You'll see pics of them wearing military uniforms. Imbar Rose, Omri Rose.
You said: And finally, mate, it has been proved by many aids organizations that Hamas does use children as human shelter.
ReplyDeleteCan you, or can you not name these groups? I've asked a whole bunch of times now.
It has been videotaped. It has been shown on many international news channels, including Fox. It has been broadcasted everywhere. Even the UN has said it. It's not a secret, and you know that. You just can't take it can you? You just don't wanna believe it. I bet you, even if I showed you the videos - videos that I saw with my own eyes, that unfortunately, I can't get back right now - you won't believe it. Why? What is it about this particular topic that you're so... unbelievably rejective? Why are you trying to stop me from saying what I know?
ReplyDeleteLook mate, I'm just trying to give a little bit of the things I know happen down there to my readers, that's all. I'm not doing this because I'm against anyone - well no, actually, I'm against terrorist who are trying to destroy the world. Let me tell you something, I got muslim friends who do not agree with terrorism and I can't believe you're supporting such a dirty cause. Believe it or not, by writing everything you're saying, you are telling me that you do support this people. Why?
I'll say it again. I know people who live and see what happens down there, who can tell me and show me what goes on everyday down there. I've even given you their names and I've told you who they are. What do you want me to show you the conversations we've had on MSN and the videos that they've shown me? That's not gonna happen. Unlike you, I take care of my sources. And unlike you, I don't limit myself to repeat what the internet says, I go to the actual people who live there.
Can you tell me the name of anyone you've talked to about this matter, who's been in either Israel or Gaza? And if you're thinking of saying yes, can you back it up? Because I can back up my sources. I don't think you can back up yours to be honest.
Fox News?
ReplyDeleteNow I know you're taking the piss.
Say it with me now - "the plural of anecdote is not data. The plural of anecdote is not data".
There, much better.
Believe it or not, by writing everything you're saying, you are telling me that you do support this people. Why?
I ain't telling you dick - you're just making it up now. You don't know my opinion on the conflict here so you just assume.
Let me tell you something, I got muslim friends who do not agree with terrorism and I can't believe you're supporting such a dirty cause.
Why would you work from the idea that all Muslims think that terrorism is a good thing? It's certainly not something I'd think.
Oh, and show me where I said that I supported terrorism? Oh wait, you can't because I didn't. Still lame.
Also, because I'm talking about Israeli war crimes, I am soo in favour of 'terrorism'. O fallacy of the excluded middle, how I have missed you...
Oh, and your pathetic attempts to school me are hilarious. And, you know, not telling me anything I didn't already know.
I think you're done here.
Opinion on the conflict? All the comments you've made have been to support the palestinians.
ReplyDelete"I'm talking about Israeli war crimes, I am soo in favour of 'terrorism'."
As I've said before, every country, from the British to the Americans, to the Israelis to the Arab Countries, they all make mistakes when they go to war.
One commander told some soldier to kill some innocent people. That was one commander, it doesn't mean that the whole troops were killing civilians.
"Oh, and your pathetic attempts to school me are hilarious. And, you know, not telling me anything I didn't already know."
It doesn't seem that you know anything accurate or moral I'll tell you that.
All the comments you've made have been to support the palestinians.
ReplyDeleteThe comments I've made have been against the Israeli government because that's the subject at hand. Just because you inhabit the fallacy of the excluded middle and think that criticising one automatically means support for the other, doesn't mean that everyone does, as I keep hinting. Pick up the damn hint already
As I've said before, every country, from the British to the Americans, to the Israelis to the Arab Countries, they all make mistakes when they go to war.
What you haven't explained is how deliberately ordering the deaths of unarmed civilians in cold blood can be a 'mistake'. And you can't, because doing so would render the word mistake so wide as to be meaningless.
It doesn't seem that you know anything accurate or moral I'll tell you that.
Fail. Given your dishonest arguing techniques, why would I consider you a valid source of ethics?
Anyhow, I'm done here. I've let you show your crazy and while it's been fun, I have better things to do.
Bye-bye little zebra.
"What you haven't explained is how deliberately ordering the deaths of unarmed civilians in cold blood can be a 'mistake'."
ReplyDeleteIt was a mistake from the commander who gave the order. That's it! And as I have said before, when you fire rockets to a country for 8 years, people get angry and that's what happens. Open your eyes. In this world, you either support team A and disagree with team B, or you support team B and disagree with team A. You can't be totally neutral. If Hamas really cares about their people, why don't they just cease fire once and for all?
And don't forget to show me the messages where you say I have referred to Palestinians as 'scums'. And good luck making them up. I wouldn't like you leaving the argument without showing them to me because that would mean that I didn't refer to them as ... well you know, the word you made up.
In this world, you either support team A and disagree with team B, or you support team B and disagree with team A. You can't be totally neutral.
ReplyDelete"Only a Sith deals in absolutes." :-P
(And don't worry Little Zebra, I have done with you here - this post was a special request by someone else.
However, this does explain why you fail to provide news in depth - your simplistic manichean viewpoint prevents nuance).
And this means that you fail when it comes to provide where you say I referred to the Palestinians as 'scums'. How convenience, unprofessional and cheap! But again it's you - Mark - who we're talking about here so I'm not surprised.
ReplyDeleteFor all the people who are reading this blog and comments, this is the prove that Mark has failed to provide evidence to show that I have referred - as he accused me of - to Palestinians as 'scums'. And now that he can't provide that proves, he just goes away like a little sad coward. How... Shameful!
Your constant obfuscation, while telling me stupid shit, such as I don't 'deserve' an answer means you will get nothing from me.
ReplyDeleteYou could fix this by arguing honestly, but you won't. And that is why I will not engage you.
Why is it so hard for you to argue honestly?
"While telling me stupid shit". When have I ever called you that? Stop putting words on my mouth. That's dishonest, cheap and unprofessional.
ReplyDeletePlus, you have failed to provide evidence that show when and where - as you have accused me - I have referred to the Palestinians as 'scums' and you're telling me, that I need to be fair? Get lost! And I thought you weren't gonna come back to my blog. What happened to you? Did you miss me?
"While telling me stupid shit". When have I ever called you that?
ReplyDeleteWhat? That's not even English. 'While telling me stupid shit' means exactly that - you were telling me things that were stupid.
And where did you do it? In this very thread:
...I'm not gonna tell you simply because you don't deserve to know.
And no I don't miss you, it's just that the Mrs wants to see you fail more and your failures in fact and attitude make you a good zebra.
What are you talking about? I've already told you where my sources come from.
ReplyDeleteThe only one failing to provide evidence that - according to you- I have referred to the Palestinians as 'scums' is you. Where is the evidence? Where? I wanna see the texts.
I honestly think that if I'm a zebra, you're a scared little mouse, that's running away from me.
See ya little mouse!