One of the actions considered and taken by Mr. Brown, and the topic that was most emphasized throughout his article, was the improvement and the development that has been done to the policing organizations in Britain. Mr. Brown mentioned that it has been invested numerous amounts of money of £1 billion to £3.5 billions on security equipment and personal in the UK borders as well as UK cities and key buildings, which means that now important cities are well-protected against all kinds of attacks, including chemical and nuclear attacks.
Mr. Brown also alerted people of any possible terror attacks and warned all the citizens to be alert and to not support people who are motivated by hatred and wrong-religious reasons. Mr. Brown said (the Guardian reported today): "Al-Qaida terrorist remain intent on inflicting mass casualties without warning, including through suicide bombings. They are motivated by a violent extremist ideology based on a false reading of religion and exploit modern travel and communications to spread through loose and dangerous global networks."
Mr. Brown also stated that he is giving his support to other countries around the world that have already been fighting terrorism for a while, and that have currently increased their support towards countries - such as the UK - that are willing to fight terrorism. Mr. Brown made clear that Britain will fight along those organizations and countries to stop terrorism from being a threat to the UK and the world.
Mr. Brown has made clear that he is not 'joking' when he says that he has taken actions nationally and internationally to stop terrorism. Very rarely we see politicians committed to the promises and taking such actions to stop such delicate matters.
In fact, Mr. Brown has been very clear on the actions that he has taken, and the actions that he is willing to take, and he is determent to stop Britain from being threatened in their own land. Personally, I give my support to Mr. Brown, and I congratulate him for the efforts he has made to keep Britain a saver place.
I wonder what David Cameron has to say about this matter! Is he going to criticize Mr. Brown for taking such actions - as Mr. Cameron usually criticizes Mr. Brown, even when Mr. Brown takes actions and good decisions? And if he is, what excuse is he going to come up with?
The picture used for this article was taken from www.telegraph.co.uk
Guardian article used to write this story:
Gordon Brown's profile (Wikipedia):
Al-Qaida's profile (Wikipedia):
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