Wednesday 25 February 2009

Is Rupert Murdoch - sky's owner - a racist?

Rupert Murdoch, the world's biggest media baron, has apologised yesterday for the cartoon published in one of his newspapers - the New York Post - last week, the BBC News Website reported today.

The Cartoon - scooped by the Guardian - shows a chimpanzee shot to dead by two - white - police officers, while one of them says: 'they'll have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill.' 

Some people from the African-American communities in the US have reacted angrily declaring that the New York Post promotes racism in America. They've declared that the shot-chimpanzee reflects the image the white Americans had of the African-Americans during times of slavery. 

I seriously believe that Mr. Murdoch is not a racist, and I don't say this because I like him -because I don't, I believe he uses his media power to obtain what he wants, which is an abuse o media power. 

It is not a secret for those involved in the media industry that Rupert Murdoch would do everything, and would become friends with anyone just to expand his media empire and to increase his influences worldwide. 

In this case, it only took him to ordered his New York Post cartoonist to draw a racist cartoon to be in the spotlight once again.

The images used for this article were taken from and

BBC News article used to write this story:

Guardian article used to write this story:

New York Post website:

New York Post profile (Wikipedia):

Rupert Murdoch's profile (Wikipedia):

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