FaceBook, one of the most famous websites in the world - with "175 million users worldwide" according to the Guardian - have earned the right to hold all the pictures and personal data that their users upload on the famous and controversial website.
And even if the users later removed their information and pictures from the website, facebook would be able to hold copies of your pictures and personal information.
Facebook is believed to have wanted to sell personal data to private companies that make their living from selling stuff in the internet, which would eventually allowed these companies to know what your interests are and then make it easier for them to target you and sell you the stuff that you like and that they want you to buy. Now, you might think, well, how's this a bad thing?
This has been the big story of many newspapers worldwide. It just seems that people are suddenly very concerned about their personal data and the pictures that they willingly upload on facebook. But why?
One answer would have something to do with the fact that facebook is one of those websites that people can't live if they don't go on at least once a day. Don't get me wrong, I like facebook. It's a very useful communicative tool that has brought everyone together and has made the world a smaller place. However, at the same time, it's one of those websites that would do everything to suck your money up from your pockets. But how?

To be quit honest it doesn't sound like a bad thing, but when you think of all the chunk stuff that's gonna be sent to you, taking into consideration that it might all be extremely unnecessary but at the same time you'd buy simply because you like it, the issue becomes a problem. Because trust me, there's is certain stuff out there that people love and even if they don't have enough money to eat for a week, they'd do the impossible to get they little thing that fulfils their eyes.
Now what does that have to do the our pictures and personal data? Some might believe that it has something to do with the famous war-on-terror, and it might be true, but the real deal is that if a boss of yours of someone who would like to know something personal about you, would just pay a huge amount of money to facebook only to know what you said to your partner three years ago before you broke up with him/her, or what you said about someone who works with you, or just to see the pictures of the time when during prome party back at the end of high school got completely drunk and ruined the party.
And why would someone be interested in that? Well, let's say that you're looking for a job and your would-be boss needs some personal information about you - info that you obviously wouldn't tell him/her during a job interview - he/she can just simple contact the big facebook enterprise and ask them about your personal life. Now to me that's scary.
That's right people, you should fear facebook because it isn't only taking time from you but it's also going to become your BIG BRO...
The picture used for this article was taken from www.guardian.co.uk
Guardian article used to write this story:
Facebook profile (Wikipedia):
FaceBook website:
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