Foxy Knoxy has been in the spot-light once again as it has been reported by the BBC News Website yesterday that Knox's lawyer, Giuliano Mignini, has been accused by an American newspaper of trying to clean his reputation by using Know's case.
The Italian press has as well criticised Mr. Mignini for supporting the non-famous American (Knox) and has also accused him of needing a psychologist in other occasions.
Mr Mignini's told the press yesterday - "I am quite a healthy man. I don't go to the doctor much and I have never visited a psychologist" The BBC has reported.
I remember talking to my Italian friends about this case when I lived in Italy, and I remember them saying: Oh, I think she's guilty! When I asked them why, most of them would replied: I just don't like her.
The BBC reported yesterday - "The report event quoted unnamed supporters as alleging that Mignini is 'using the high-profile Amanda Knox case to improve his dicey reputation as further his career'."

Mr. Mignini is also believed to be preparing himself to take action against those newspapers who have accused him of having a mental illness and of other charges such as corruption inside Knox case.
What makes Foxy Knoxy case such an extraordinary piece of journalism in the American, Italian and British press is the fact that this is a crime case that has nothing to do with Italians, it is a total foreign crime that took place in a foreign country.
Knox is believed to be guilty by both the Italian and American press because of the personality of Ms. Know, rather than by the proves collected for this case.

Knox has been the target of British press as well. Such is the case of the Daily Mail, newspaper that has published an article (some time ago) showing possible (not accurate) reasons why Ms. Knox is (apparently, according to the Daily Mail) guilty of Kercher's murder.
The article has pictures of Ms. Knox doing naughty things like standing in front of a Dutch Coffee Shop. Ironically the picture was posted in FaceBook by the very own Knox. The Daily Mail claimed that Knox who a comment on the picture saying "weed" meaning marijuana.
So what is Knox smoked some weed? Does that make her guilty? Last time I checked my dictionary the definition of justice said that a person is only guilty of something just is a court-of-law declares so.
I guess we just have to wait until the Italian Authorities to decide whether Knox is guilty or not, and as long as Knox is not declared as guilty, she will remain innocent, no matter if she's smoked marijuana. That doesn't make her guilty of murder.
The images used for this article where taken from www.bbc.co.uk/news
BBC News article used to write this story:
Foxy Knoxy's trial details (Wikipedia):
Few know what to do foxy knoxy in her youth. Quite by accident I found a curious video. In her biography about this is nothing!
ReplyDeleteSuch an abomination, I was not expected. I thought it was a decent girl and never will be removed in this kind of video, even more so in scenes with anal sex. I still do not believe that saw!
I think this should know everyone!
I can tell you both what the media and the Jury should do with Foxy Knoxy.
ReplyDeleteThe media should stop making money out of the many crazy and sometimes inaccurate stories that they always make whenever they report, publish or broadcast something about her.
And the Jury should start treating her right, not like a crazy American who looks guilty because of what she is or does.