Thursday, 9 April 2009
47-year-old only G20's fatality was caused by aggressive police officer
Friday, 3 April 2009
Anti-G20-protest's only fatality was neither caused by police or protesters
Wednesday, 1 April 2009
Against-G20 protesters: One dead and many others injured while President Obama meets with the most powerful leaders of the world

Monday, 30 March 2009
UK's Home Secretary Jacqui Smith's husband (Richard Timney) causes porn scandal in the UK
This morning more than five UK national newspapers reported what is believed by many, the biggest political scandal of the year. Jacqui Smith, UK's Home Secretary's husband Richard Timney who also works for the government as his wife's parliamentary aide was yesterday (Sunday) discovered to have added two pornographic films to his home internet connection, the BBC News website reported.

Saturday, 28 March 2009
G20 Protests are a wast of time and money
According to the Guardian, the protest 'jobs, justice and climate' was organised by some of the most remarkable peace organizations in the UK, beginning with the socialist organization Put People First and the Rainbow Alliance, to charities such as Action Aid and the green organization Friends of Earth. All of these organizations and many other unionists managed to gather more than 35,000,000 people and are willing to to gather more people for the coming days.
The protests will take place in London for the rest of the weekend and through the next week, and will finish on thursday when all the members of the G20 will gather together in London. The London Metropolitan Police is expecting things to get dangerous and have invested up to £7.2 millions on security.
It is very ironic that such a group of people can gather together to supposedly protest against the corruption of the world, and to – as many people assumed – make the world a better place.
But isn't ‘making the world a better place’ what the G20 is trying to do? Or isn't ‘gathering a bunch of heavy-weigh international economists to solve problems such as Global Warming and Global Economic Crisis’ considered trying to save to world?
Considering that the London Metropolitan Police is spending £7.2 millions to prevent any misbehaving from the protesters, the only people misbehaving and making the world a worse place are those protesters who believe that they are making a difference while protesting against a good cause. If they are protesting against Global free-trade, then they will be ignoring the many millions of poor people that have been benefited because of global free-trade through the years.
I was invited by one of the members of the Socialist Movement of the university I attend to (London Metropolitan University) and I was told to 'please' come to protest against "theses stupid - stupid was not the word used, it was a much harder word - people who have ruined the world." Well, my response to that person was: "I got better things to do."
But now what I say to that person is that if she was referring to the bankers, well, they made a huge mistake, and now the economists that are part of the G20 are only trying to make things better and to improve the situation in the world. What is so wrong about that?
The picture used for this article was taken from
Guardian article used to write this story:
G20's Website:
G20's profile (Wikipedia):
Put People's Website:
Rainbow Alliance's Website:
Action Aid's Website:
Friends of Earth's Website:
London Metropolitan Police's Website:
London Metropolitan Police's profile (Wikipedia):
London Metropolitan University's Website:
Silvio Berlusconi: Italy's Right- and Left-wing parties merge to form Italy's political dream

Wednesday, 25 March 2009
Gordon Brown: We'll take more budgets if necessary

Tuesday, 24 March 2009
Barack Obama: Bush! Global Warming is all your fault!
The White House and Mr. Obama's personnel in charged of the Global Warming issues have expressed their concern on the carbon dioxide emissions in the U.S. and have declared that they are currently considering making new laws to release the carbon dioxide emissions. However, so far, some congress officials have already refused to accept the conditions.
Sunday, 22 March 2009
Gordon Brown strikes against terrorism

One of the actions considered and taken by Mr. Brown, and the topic that was most emphasized throughout his article, was the improvement and the development that has been done to the policing organizations in Britain. Mr. Brown mentioned that it has been invested numerous amounts of money of £1 billion to £3.5 billions on security equipment and personal in the UK borders as well as UK cities and key buildings, which means that now important cities are well-protected against all kinds of attacks, including chemical and nuclear attacks.
Mr. Brown also alerted people of any possible terror attacks and warned all the citizens to be alert and to not support people who are motivated by hatred and wrong-religious reasons. Mr. Brown said (the Guardian reported today): "Al-Qaida terrorist remain intent on inflicting mass casualties without warning, including through suicide bombings. They are motivated by a violent extremist ideology based on a false reading of religion and exploit modern travel and communications to spread through loose and dangerous global networks."
Mr. Brown also stated that he is giving his support to other countries around the world that have already been fighting terrorism for a while, and that have currently increased their support towards countries - such as the UK - that are willing to fight terrorism. Mr. Brown made clear that Britain will fight along those organizations and countries to stop terrorism from being a threat to the UK and the world.
Mr. Brown has made clear that he is not 'joking' when he says that he has taken actions nationally and internationally to stop terrorism. Very rarely we see politicians committed to the promises and taking such actions to stop such delicate matters.
In fact, Mr. Brown has been very clear on the actions that he has taken, and the actions that he is willing to take, and he is determent to stop Britain from being threatened in their own land. Personally, I give my support to Mr. Brown, and I congratulate him for the efforts he has made to keep Britain a saver place.
I wonder what David Cameron has to say about this matter! Is he going to criticize Mr. Brown for taking such actions - as Mr. Cameron usually criticizes Mr. Brown, even when Mr. Brown takes actions and good decisions? And if he is, what excuse is he going to come up with?
Friday, 20 March 2009
Israeli Army kills civilians. Mistake?

Thursday, 19 March 2009
Deranged pervert Josef Fritzl gets life sentence
73-year-old Josef Fritzl of Austria is sentenced to life in prison where he would get psychological help. The Guardian reported today.
According to the Guardian, Fritzl enslaved his own daughter since the age of 18, for 24 years, during which he abused her and forced her to have seven children, one of which, a twin, died during labour for not having the medical care necessary to give birth. Fritzl is believed to have gotten rid of the baby-body by burning and burring it afterwards.

Since the detention of Fritzl, he has declared that he did not realise who much harm he had done to his own daughter and that he was completely sorry for his actions.
The guardian has reported today: "I regret from the bottom of my heart what I have done to my family. Unfortunately, I cannot make amends for it. I can only try to look for possibilities to try to limit the damage that's been done, he (Fritzl) said." But this did not stop the judge from giving him the maximum sentence available in Austria.

Honestly, I didn't believe in death penalty, but today I have charged my mind. I believe that such a cold-hearted person does not deserve to live the life that he has taken from someone such as his own daughter and the children he forced her to have with him for as long as 24 years.
However, I am very glad with the sentence and, besides the fact that I don't agree with Fritzl being under psychological care, because I don't believe he needs any - I just believe that he found pleasure in forcing someone to do the things he wanted, just because he could - I am very pleased with the fact that him too, will soon not be able to see sunlight again. Just like he forced his daughter not to see sunlight for 24 years.
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
More tuition fees for UK students

According to the BBC News Website, some of the vice-chancellors of some of the top universities in the UK would like to see tuition fees rise for the sake of their universities.
The BBC reported: "The BBC survey, gathering the views of 53 universities vice-chancellors, showed a wide range of expectations of the scale of any increase - from £4,000 to £20,000 per year."
This is without a doubt a way for the cheesy, greeny, give-more-money-vice-chancellors of all those 53 universities to make more money.
If there is anyone who needs money to go to university, those are the students who are dedicating their time and who are already in debt and who will have to pay a deep debt of up to £25,000 by the time their higher education is over. Those people are the UK students.
Those vice-chancellors do not need more money, and in fact, they do not deserve more money, because all they want to do with that money is invest it on unnecessary things.
Such is the case of one of London's biggest universities; London Metropolitan University; where the chancellor lied when it came to reporting to the government how many students the university had and now the university has to pay back a fine of more than £15 million.
I am a journalism student at London Met, and I - like many other students - can assure many people that just by looking at the quality of some of the equipment and the buildings that belong London Met, I can say that most of that money must have ended up in the wrong pockets.
For the sake of those students who are the future of this nation, and who will end up in debt for shaping their own future at university, and for doing something that benefits the future of the UK, let us please not allow these greeny vice-chancellors benefit from us, the students, and get our money because they simply want and can.
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
David Cameron: 'no more TV license fee for the BBC'

Monday, 16 March 2009
Gordon Brown: 'cheap alcohol is killing us'

In a press conference held yesterday Mr Brown expressed that he will not interfere with the new law that has been considered by the Chief Medical Officer for England, Sir Liam Donaldson, who wants to increase the price of alcohol by 50p per every unit of alcohol.
This new law would make a regular bottle of wine of a minimum price of £3.00 a £4.50 bottle of wine. According to the BBC News website, England, unlike other European countries that have decreased the amount of alcohol consumed in a year, has increased it by 40%.
Although Mr. Brown has no intentions to stop the price of alcohol from being risen, he did show some concern about the ‘moderate’ drinkers. The BBC News website reported today: “He (Mr. Brown) said: I think these strong actions in public health are always controversial.”
BBC Radio 4 has broadcasted today that Mr. Brown does not think it is fair to penalize those who do not drink too much, for the fault of those who drink more.
The purpose of increasing the price of every alcohol unit sold in England is to stop heavy drinkers from becoming more addicted to alcohol. According to the BBC News website “the NHS bill for alcohol abuse is an estimated £2.7bn a year”

Plus, after having seen that the measures towards smoking in public places taken more than two years ago worked - because it has been proved that since the law of non-smoking in public places made many people stop smoking - the government is now trying to apply the same strategy on alcohol laws.
Which – if you look at it this way – is a good thing, because in times of economic crisis and recession, it is better not to spend money on unnecessary things such as alcohol.
I agree with what the government is trying to do, and I believe it is one of the most reasonable ideas they have had in a long time.