Thursday, 9 April 2009
47-year-old only G20's fatality was caused by aggressive police officer
Friday, 3 April 2009
Anti-G20-protest's only fatality was neither caused by police or protesters
Wednesday, 1 April 2009
Against-G20 protesters: One dead and many others injured while President Obama meets with the most powerful leaders of the world

Monday, 30 March 2009
UK's Home Secretary Jacqui Smith's husband (Richard Timney) causes porn scandal in the UK
This morning more than five UK national newspapers reported what is believed by many, the biggest political scandal of the year. Jacqui Smith, UK's Home Secretary's husband Richard Timney who also works for the government as his wife's parliamentary aide was yesterday (Sunday) discovered to have added two pornographic films to his home internet connection, the BBC News website reported.

Saturday, 28 March 2009
G20 Protests are a wast of time and money
According to the Guardian, the protest 'jobs, justice and climate' was organised by some of the most remarkable peace organizations in the UK, beginning with the socialist organization Put People First and the Rainbow Alliance, to charities such as Action Aid and the green organization Friends of Earth. All of these organizations and many other unionists managed to gather more than 35,000,000 people and are willing to to gather more people for the coming days.
The protests will take place in London for the rest of the weekend and through the next week, and will finish on thursday when all the members of the G20 will gather together in London. The London Metropolitan Police is expecting things to get dangerous and have invested up to £7.2 millions on security.
It is very ironic that such a group of people can gather together to supposedly protest against the corruption of the world, and to – as many people assumed – make the world a better place.
But isn't ‘making the world a better place’ what the G20 is trying to do? Or isn't ‘gathering a bunch of heavy-weigh international economists to solve problems such as Global Warming and Global Economic Crisis’ considered trying to save to world?
Considering that the London Metropolitan Police is spending £7.2 millions to prevent any misbehaving from the protesters, the only people misbehaving and making the world a worse place are those protesters who believe that they are making a difference while protesting against a good cause. If they are protesting against Global free-trade, then they will be ignoring the many millions of poor people that have been benefited because of global free-trade through the years.
I was invited by one of the members of the Socialist Movement of the university I attend to (London Metropolitan University) and I was told to 'please' come to protest against "theses stupid - stupid was not the word used, it was a much harder word - people who have ruined the world." Well, my response to that person was: "I got better things to do."
But now what I say to that person is that if she was referring to the bankers, well, they made a huge mistake, and now the economists that are part of the G20 are only trying to make things better and to improve the situation in the world. What is so wrong about that?
The picture used for this article was taken from
Guardian article used to write this story:
G20's Website:
G20's profile (Wikipedia):
Put People's Website:
Rainbow Alliance's Website:
Action Aid's Website:
Friends of Earth's Website:
London Metropolitan Police's Website:
London Metropolitan Police's profile (Wikipedia):
London Metropolitan University's Website:
Silvio Berlusconi: Italy's Right- and Left-wing parties merge to form Italy's political dream

Wednesday, 25 March 2009
Gordon Brown: We'll take more budgets if necessary